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Our Charter

Our Charter has three important key ideas:

  • In collaboration with others, we wish to help build safer communities in which all young Americans can reach their potential, and in turn contribute back to the society which nurtured them. By young people we mean emerging adolescents to mid-twenties. The needs of children are also met particularly through resources and services distributed to their parents, caregivers and teachers.
  • Again, in collaboration with others, we seek to empower young people through their parents and caregivers by helping to educate and support them.
  • Our particular focus is the youth of our nation, and we are therefore committed to implementing this Charter within the terms of State and Federal current policy documents. Our efforts represent an enthusiastic response from the community to support the goals in those documents and to complement the work of other organizations.

This Charter is endorsed in principle by organizations with which we are associated.

Our Vision

Safe and thriving communities
in which young people are valued,
nurtured and helped to reach their goals
as active, responsible members of society.

Our Strategy

Educating, empowering and supporting
young people in their families and
in the wider community.

Our Values


Safety and wellbeing
Creativity and achievement
Professionalism and integrity
Empowerment of all young people
Commitment to our nation and all humanity.




Our Goals, Organization & Policy

Message from the Executive Secretary | The USA: A Prosperous & Confident Nation | Our Charter
Our Goals, Strategies and Objectives | Our Organization | Policy and Administration
Frequently Asked Questions | Volunteer To Help | Sponsors | Staff Biographies | Links

What Are We Doing For Young Americans?