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Our Goal: Healthy Young People

Our understanding of good health as it relates to young people is multifaceted and multivalent. It incorporates the whole of the person and the whole of the life. Therefore, if we are to promote and assist in the development and maintenance of good health for young people, we need to attend to all aspects of their being including the physical, mental and emotional, spiritual, familial and communal.

The physical health of a young person encompasses such things as a healthy body, eating well, not polluting the body with alcohol, tobacco or drugs, sexual safety and avoiding high-risk activities. Physical activities and sports are an important part of this.

Mental and emotional health is a broad area which encompasses things like having a feeling of sound identity, feeling at ease with their cultural identity, having positive self-esteem and self-worth, feeling safe physically, emotionally and relationally and having access to pathways of care when needed.

Spiritual health means that a young person feels acknowledged and accepted for who they are and for the beliefs that they hold. It also means that they feel that they have a place in this world that makes them as important as the people they share it with and that they have the freedom to express their beliefs without accusation or persecution.

Familial and communal health comes from young people feeling secure in their family and community environment. That they live in families and communities that cater for their needs and provide them with the opportunities they require to become healthy and productive citizens and fully appreciated human beings.

These are the concerns of YouthHealth International and we are committed to doing our best to help our young people live healthy and successful lives. Your support in these endeavors will have a far reaching effect on our youth and our nation.


Our Goals, Organization & Policy

Message from the Executive Secretary | The USA: A Prosperous & Confident Nation | Our Charter
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What Are We Doing For Young Americans?