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A Letter From Pakuranga High School


Ron Phillips
Campbell Lodge
Orakau Road

Dear Ron

Thank you very much for letting us be involved with you in developing a teaching resource for year 9 students, using your book, "Gem of the First Water".

During this year we have had the opportunity to develop this resource by taking half of our third form each half-year (a total of 350 students) through the book and activities that we felt fitted well into the concepts covered in the book.

We are working on refining the activities and format for delivery to other staff and will have this completed by the end of this year so that we can do a final test with the first half of next year's year 9 students.

Comments on the programme from staff are very positive and include:

"I have found the book useful as a guideline for pro-active and positive thinking with students and myself."

"The extensive range of resources allows for lessons to be adapted to suit the level and the dynamics of the class grouping / level."

"The book can be seen as the catalyst for change with some students as it is 'fictional' but at the same time real for people at many levels."

"My students have enjoyed the range of learning activities as this programme caters more for a range of learning styles present in the group than the average classroom."

"Drama is a positive way of 'learning by doing' and the book and programme really allows for this process with its clear structure yet flexible activities."

Student comments reflect the things they have learnt so far:

"The book is great and sometimes is like my life."

"The book and the activities have made me think about life and options and decision making."

"The messages that are in the book have really helped me to think more about life and get more out of it. The activities have really helped me to set the messages in concrete in my mind."

"1 think that this book relates well to me probably because it is easy to understand."

"I found the book really stimulating and I think it shows us that we really should be thankful for all the things we have in life."

"I like this book because it's mysterious and compelling and it can reflect and compare on you and your life and how you act and think. I think the activities make you think hard about your life."

As you can see, Ron, we are all enjoying be involved in this programme and once again I thank you for letting us take your story and develop a programme for all students around it.

Tricia Robertson
Head Of Health Department

Pakuranga College


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