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Ellie Lobel

Ellie Lobel is the Executive Marketing Director for Youth Health USA Western region.

Having first hand knowledge and the “Guinea Pig” of an all new foster care system,
Ellie was taken away and separated from her parents and siblings at the age of 2. Being placed with a wonderful caring loving family that instilled boundaries, great values and tools that would allow her to face the challenging future. At 5 she was taken from this loving environment where she was then taught, love is NOT ALLOWED…After several other homes and witnessing first hand the abuse and neglect at the hands of some foster parents she was determined to grow up and make a change..

This determination drove her to not only overcome the mental wounds of childhood but to be as successful as she could be in any situation. The compassion that came from the trauma has always driven her to not only succeed in her professional life but also in her personal life.

Having graduated from a gifted children’s Program at University College Kensington, a subsidiary of UC London with a degree in Physics and Engineering at the tender age of 18, she went on to become a mother of four beautiful children and yet always found time to give back to her community and those less fortunate. Giving hope and shedding light on dismal circumstances…

Being an advocate of the children, in the foster care system and homeless shelters, has spent every holiday making sure some would not go without and
raising her children to know the value and importance of all people. She insisted on there
Participation in giving back. Also giving them the values and knowledge so graciously bestowed upon her by her first, loving home..

 Ever the seeker of truth, knowledge and justice for our entire nation’s youth, she has given so much of her time to show children just how valuable they are.

This drive and determination has lead her to Youth Health USA. She is a force to be
Reckoned with, it is time for change and Ellie is so very grateful to be a part of that change
She is dedicating her efforts and energies to affect as many people as possible to aid in making the change. Our nation’s youth deserve an America they can participate in and be proud of.

Her earlier years have been spent raising a family and working with some of the top Fortune 500 companies in America.  Her success in corporate America is now being utilized where her true heart’s desire’s lay, with the children and for the children.

The goal of changing the lives of 3 million children in 3 years going positive in America is just the beginning.  The positive attributes of these children growing up to be high functioning honest adults with integrity is what will make this world a better place for all… the future of our nation depends on it…


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